Sell Your Life Policy
to the Highest Bidder
Do you want to sell a life insurance policy? Let us represent you! We serve in the best interest of policy owners by maximizing life settlement offers through auction based negotiations. We've negotiated 36,000+ offers from the secondary market for thousands of Americans When buyers compete, policy owners win!
How We Help
- Professional Representation
- Client Testimonials
- Life Settlement Network
- PolicyTrac Secure Delivery

Client Testimonials

We have now completed two transactions with Welcome Funds and I highly recommend them, especially for people like me that are new to the process. Their estimates on transfer were either right in line or exceeded by the actual auctions. Life companies can be very frustrating and without Welcome Funds the process would really be cumbersome. They are very responsive to requests and do not try to sugarcoat the steps that are required to be taken. In this era where so called experts do not necessarily look after their clients, I thought they always had my self interest at heart.

The superior knowledge that Welcome Funds possesses in regards to the Life Settlement process was evident from the start and provided a level of comfort for us. From the beginning of our relationship, Welcome Funds sent detailed information on the process and applicable regulations which were easy to understand. There were no hidden fees or agendas. They were proactive in communications and keeping us informed of the process as it progressed.

You are a true professional and I fully trusted your advice from our very first conversation. [A direct buyer] initially told me the policy didn’t have much value and offered us $14,000 (Yes, Fourteen Thousand). We would have never sold it for that, but I believe that if we hadn’t already been working with Welcome Funds, we might have never known the true value… You guys are an amazing professional organization and I will gladly recommend you to anyone thinking about selling their insurance.
Received $175,000 instead of $14,000. Welcome Funds added $161,000 of value

Welcome Funds is a life settlement company that has been endorsed by [my IMO], and I can tell you from personal experience that they are the best in the industry. Their process is efficient and easy, their service is great, and I have seen time and time again that no one negotiates better at the auction level, assuring you will get the best possible offers for your clients.
Financial Advisor

We recently worked with a client of ours who was advised by his financial planner to cancel his $4 million in term life insurance coverage originally obtained for business loan purposes. He got stage 4 cancer at 65 and sold his business. He called us to let us know he didn’t need the coverage any longer, that he sold his business and there was no longer a need. We asked him to reconsider, that he had just been treated and was on the way to beating his cancer but didn’t want to make a rash decision. He did wait and when he was age 70 and was 5 years past beating Stage 4 cancer he and his advisors still questioned the need and wanted to terminate the coverage. His net worth is over $10 million and his financial planner saw no need for the coverage.
Over the past 5 years, we continually advised that his policy was really an asset to him and his family that it could be worth $4M to his estate, and that he should not cancel. Luckily, he heeded our advice. The client had a window of time to convert his policy without medical requirements to a permanent plan and that window was closing. As mentioned, we had had many discussions with the client about selling his policy so when the time came, he called me to say he was ready to give it a chance. He had already called a direct buyer, the company that runs the TV ads that you can sell your policy, and he told me with excitement that they offered him $60,000 for his $4M policy.
After discussing the process and the value of keeping the coverage again with the client the client decided to keep $2M of the coverage and try to sell the other $2M. We at PFSI believe it’s always more advantageous for the family to keep the coverage than to sell it.
We engaged with Welcome Funds who took our clients' $2M policy to market. We prepared the case and the broker positioned us well for presentation to the investors. We ended up getting some interest from several investors. The broker’s first call back to us was that he had a few bidding investors and a value range of $180k+ for the $2M of coverage. We were elated...but the broker let us know that his investors were very interested, and we were not done with the offers, we had a bidding war. We received several other updates on the bidding over the next few days and were absolutely floored that two of the investors ended up bidding this $2M coverage up to a final $580,000, unbelievable!
In this case, we were able to go from $ZERO to over $2.5M in value for the client. First, we made sure the client purchased a Term Policy with great conversion privileges and with great products to convert to. We also were successful in convincing the client to not to throw his ASSET in the trash, to hold off on an appealing $60,000 offer for his $4M, and instead, he was able to take $580k gain from the sale of his $2M and easily pay for the $2M he kept for his family and still have 100s of thousands for his personal use.