A senior life insurance settlement is an alternative term used to describe a life settlement transaction, which is an alternative option to lapsing or surrendering a life insurance policy. Specifically, a life settlement is a financial transaction in which a life insurance policyholder receives a cash payment from a state-authorized financial institution in exchange for the ownership and beneficiary rights to the life insurance policy.

Senior Life Settlements Are A Regulated Marketplace

The life settlement industry is currently regulated in more than 45 states, which require both brokers and buyers to be licensed with the Department of Insurance in order to transact business. Welcome Funds is licensed throughout the nation to help policyholders with their senior life insurance settlement and negotiates on their behalf with a national network of buyers to ensure that the best offer is received for their life insurance policy.

Senior Life Settlement Appraisal

Our appraisal process is free and there is no obligation to determine if you qualify for a senior life settlement. Welcome Funds is here to help you with the senior life settlement option. Find out if you or a loved one qualifies by completing our Quick Life Settlement Qualifier.

Senior Life Settlement